Robert Rhinehart was an electrical engineer who was not satisfied with the state of our food. Every new day meant a new effort to find and prepare nutritious meals. When …
It started with GPS in mobile phones. Applications were developed that could track how far you ran or rode your bike, keep track of your route, and estimate the calories …
The people in healthcare who sit up nights worrying about potentially world-shattering death plagues are monitoring Middle East Respiratory System, known as “MERS.” It’s already infected more than 600 people worldwide, killing roughly 30% of …
Every so often science takes an interesting turn, and seeks to quantify and understand why things go right — instead of the more common focus on failure analysis. Perhaps it’s …
There is a part of your body that was given its name by a guy known as Rufus. We’ll leave aside the jokes for now. But it is true that …
Probably because the very idea of suicide is repellent to us, we tend to think of it as being rare. In fact, suicide is more common than we’d like to …
Isn’t it odd that we ourselves want to live to be old, yet we don’t want to associate too much with other people who are already old? As for revering …
“There are many ways of getting strong; sometimes talking is the best way.” — André Agassi Since Freud practically invented the art (or science) of talk therapy single-handedly in the late …
As you get older you develop a love/hate relationship with the medical profession. There is love because, at some point, they’re going to save your life. The hate comes from …
The world is awash in apathy. You see it every day, from listless toll takers to lazy coffee shop employees who neglect to ask if you want a second cup. …