When the stock market hits new highs, it’s inevitable that the financial entertainment media feature a steady stream of market analysts presenting ominous warnings about a market correction. There’s talk about moving averages, …
This Winter put a damper on the economy, which is pretty amazing when you think about it. Even in the absence of epic snowstorms and traffic-snarling ice, winter has never …
It was interesting to watch the reaction of regulators to the arrival of cryptocurrency. Some of that government reaction was what one might expect, a bit of overreaction based on …
One of the challenges in our modern financial world is the financial entertainment industry, which long ago left actual financial news reporting in the rear view mirror, and now acts …
About half of private company employees, and almost every public employee, in the United States are covered by some sort of pension. In fact, part of the traditional lure of …
Everyone likes to think they’re unique — a precious little snowflake in the snowstorm of humanity. Yet, when it comes to finances and debt, people make surprisingly similar mistakes. There …
One of the frustrating things about personal finance is watching people, smart people, make the same mistakes over and over. Those bad decisions happen at the personal level, then bubble …
One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.” — William Feather Suppose you felt certain the …
Last week saw Bitcoin prices mostly continue to slide, a trend that’s been with us since December of last year. Every time that buying kicks to raise prices, it’s met …
“Free” may be the most beautiful word in the English language. Free beer, free food, free tuition, tax-free, cellulite free… the list of magical phases goes on. But topping them …