Lots of people have their own prescriptions, criticisms, and opinions on the way the world should be and the way things should be done, yet the odds are that most …
As a libertarian, a classical liberal, someone who hates both political parties, I’m comfortable in saying that I have a more objective understanding of Trump and his presidency than most …
The ideas of private property, free markets, the rule of law, limited government, skepticism of powerful authoritative government, individual rights, individualism, and of a peaceful and prosperous society in which …
Over the last couple of years right-wing populism and nationalism have made a loud comeback, which resulted in the election of Donald Trump. Many paleoconservatives, conservatarians, and traditionalist right-wingers have …
Charles Koch is deeply hated by the left wing and has been for decades now. If you don’t know who he is, Charles Koch is the CEO of Koch Industries, …
In a study pregnant with implications for Western nations bent on dropping ever more bombs throughout the Middle East, researchers recently reviewed the lessons many feel should have been learned …
After an online argument between two “Call of Duty” gamers over a $2 wager, a fake SWAT call was made, resulting in an innocent man being shot and killed on …
The Trump Administration has decided to approve the sale of commercial lethal weapons to Ukraine. The sale will be the largest since 2014 and comes amid an escalation of the …
Recently released graphic body-cam footage shows an innocent man and father of two, Daniel Shaver, sobbing and begging for his life before being shot several times and killed by Arizona …
Future US military operations may involve 3D printing unmanned aircraft systems designed to improve situational awareness for specific assignments. According to Technology.com, aerospace engineers have been working on research for …