Getting stopped by the police can be scary. But knowing how to act and what to do can make a stressful experience a lot safer for everyone.
Now that winter’s upon us, it’s time to get prepared for one of the most common, yet dangerous weather phenomena: the blizzard.
No matter how often we see the tales in the news, no one ever thinks they’ll get stranded. But facing that possibility, and being prepared, could be a lifesaving decision.
You’ve probably thought once or twice about how great it would be to live life completely self-sufficient. But could you really unhook and go off the grid?
Many of us have our disaster preparedness kits at the ready, complete with water, food and radio. But what if the emergency you face requires a more powerful response?
It’s called “The Greatest Generation” for a reason. Imagine jumping from a burning plane into an Indonesian jungle, with possibly unfriendly natives. Or parachuting behind enemy lines in Europe and …
Even post-911, most Americans don’t imagine they’d really become a victim of terrorism. But what are your real odds, and can you improve your chances of survival?
Could the legendary lush green mountains of Alabama and Georgia become as dry as the Mojave? A historic eastbound drought is already killing crops and animals, with no relief in …
“Emergency readiness” are just words until the unthinkable hits. From hurricanes to tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires and more, when seconds count you’ll be glad you planned ahead.
Business travel used to be a nightmare. But these days, with the right tech gadgets in your suitcase, life on the road can finally be a dream.