Home » Gavin Newsom To Buck Biden As Dem Nominee?

Gavin Newsom To Buck Biden As Dem Nominee?

by Richard A Reagan

As the unfortunately accurate statement states… “As California goes, so goes the nation.”

The infamous (or beloved, depending on your point of view) Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has been making the rounds lately. 

He has made appearances at the southern border, campaigned in Florida, and recently engaged in an hour-long interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. While carefully avoiding any offense to the Democratic Party establishment, it is evident that Newsom is positioning himself something bigger. 

Something like, you know… the Presidency!

There are a few news outlets asking the question…

From The Washington Times… Will Newsom replace Biden as Democrats’ presidential nominee?

From the New York Post… Gavin Newsom’s 2024 presidential run already began — he just hasn’t announced

From The Hill… Newsom’s media blitz fuels presidential talk

With Biden’s shockingly low approval ratings and never ending verbal and physical fumbles, it’s looking more and more likely that the Democrats have a backup for the Presidency, if not a full blown replacement.

Since assuming office, President Biden’s tenure has been marked by speculation about his ability to complete a full term. 

While he initially expressed doubts about seeking reelection, it appears that the President has no intention of stepping aside from the 2024 presidential race, even after 2½ years in office.

Despite concerns surrounding Mr. Biden’s age, frailty, tendency to make embarrassing gaffes, and the majority of Democratic voters expressing their preference for him not to pursue a second term, the Democratic Party finds itself reluctantly supporting him as their leader.

If President Biden were to withdraw, Vice President Kamala Harris may seem like a logical choice, right?

Well, think again!

Many voters have expressed deep concerns about Harris’ actions in the public arena, leaving them unsettled about her ability to represent and lead the party. 

Her awkward demeanor, condescending attitude towards Americans, and frequent nervous laughter have contributed to her unfavorable image, making her chances of being a viable candidate questionable.

In the absence of the two leading Democrats, attention turns to (you guessed it) California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Newsom is a young and charismatic politician who presents a fresh face for the Democratic Party and has the potential to rejuvenate its base.

Additionally, he possesses strong fundraising abilities, a skill lacking in many politicians. Newsom has demonstrated his willingness to confront the media and engage with those who hold differing political beliefs, as seen in his interview with Hannity where he confidently debated policy matters. 

This stands in contrast to Biden, who often provides evasive responses when faced with tough questions from the press.

The qualities that distinguish Newsom from Biden could play a significant role in mobilizing Democratic voters in 2024. As a presidential candidate, Newsom would force Republicans to address politically challenging issues they may prefer to avoid. 

This strategic approach would give Newsom an advantage in winning over single-issue voters and independents who are dissatisfied with the extreme positions taken by both sides of the political spectrum. 

Throughout the summer, Newsom will continue to make calculated moves to position himself as a viable alternative to Biden, solidifying his standing in the race.

So what do you think?

Is President Biden on the chopping block?

Will Governor Newsom be the nominee to become President Newsom?

Any idea what that would mean for the country? (Hint: The potential for more brutal lockdowns and far left policies that would make Biden blush?) 

They don’t call him “Gruesome Newsom” for no reason.

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