In what appears to be another terrorist attack in Europe, a van crashed into a crowd at the popular Las Ramblas tourist area of Barcelona, mowing down people indiscriminately. The latest …
America Now
Stocks of movie theater companies have fallen significantly this summer after a series of box-office flops. Movie theater attendance is expected to fall about 1.5 percent this year, while box-office …
President Trump recently announced his support for a new immigration bill announced in the US Senate. Introduced by Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Senator David Perdue of Georgia, the …
In response to new sanctions levied against Russia by the United States government, the Russian government reemphasized its desire to continue moving away from using the US dollar and US-connected …
While most Americans are focused on the barbs traded between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, or on the United States government’s actions with regard to Russia, …
There’s been a little bit of buzz on the Internet recently about repealing the 17th Amendment, an initiative that seems to be picking up some steam. For those of you …
With baby boomers starting to retire in greater numbers, the American workforce is becoming more reliant than ever on immigrant labor. Nearly 17% of the workforce is now made up …
In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that that the NSA was spying on U.S. citizens without authorization and monitoring their most private communications. Many people’s response was, “What if I’m on …
Google is currently not only the most popular search engine in the world but the most popular website, period. They currently process approximately 40,000 searches every second or 3.5 billion …
Almost sixteen years after the United States invaded Afghanistan, US troops are seemingly right back to where they started. The government in Kabul is weak, unable to exert control over …