Recent speculation that the Bank of Japan (BOJ) might pull back on its program of monetary easing led to a spike in Japanese bond yields. Yields soared from 0.03% to …
One of the most cited economic articles of all time, Nobel Prize-winning Austrian economist Friedrich A. Hayek’s “The Use of Knowledge in Society” discusses some very important and fascinating ideas …
Populists from all sides of the political spectrum think they know THE solution that is going to finally make the economy start working for the everyday masses of people. Trump …
During a time in which knowledge and recognition of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin is at an all-time high, the past several months have exposed numerous ICO frauds and pump-and-dump schemes …
Throughout the developing world, cryptocurrencies aren’t simply treated as securities or investments like many in the United States tend to treat them. In nations like Zimbabwe, where hyperinflation destroyed the …
Credit scores are becoming increasingly important in the world today. Not only will your credit score affect your ability to get a mortgage or an auto loan, but your credit …
Billionaire Richard Branson Thinks US Government Should Give Out Free Money to Combat Inequality
One of the unfortunate characteristics of many successful businessmen is that they tend to believe that their business acumen gives them some insight into the workings of the economy and …
Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Thinks Housing Market Has Been Overheated Since 2012, Sees No Bubble
Economist Robert Shiller, the 2013 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, recently stated that he believed that while the housing market has been overheated since 2012 he doesn’t …
In news that could make the Equifax breach look minor, a little-known Florida company with records on just about every American consumer has had its data breached. Exactis, a Florida-based …
At the beginning of June, the Federal Reserve announced that the net worth of US households had risen to over $100 trillion for the first time ever, as investments skyrocketed …