If you’ve ever heard the investing phrase “sell in May and go away” you may get a reminder of why that phrase is significant this year. Stocks and the U.S. …
If portfolio investments were guests at a party, then the elite group – real estate, growth stocks, exchange-traded funds, and retirement accounts – would convene in the middle or in …
Despite a weak first quarter, the economy is still doing pretty well. The jobs picture is looking good, meager pay raises are being scratched out by working class Americans and …
The boiler rooms full of people selling penny stocks in movies like The Wolf of Wall Street might be history after a new set of rules governing the sale of …
Along with American waistlines, American homes have gotten fatter. Even back in 2014, the size of the average American home ballooned to nearly 2,600 square feet and that average means …
Want to Retire with a $1 Million Nest Egg – Here Is What You Should Do
by Bruce Haringby Bruce HaringThe key to making your golden years truly golden is wising up and having a $1 million retirement nest egg. You may not exactly become a jet-setter or live in …
If someone offered you a choice between a brand new 2016 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid, nicely loaded, or picking up the tab for your upcoming wedding, which would be the better …
Many investors think that gold is the best precious metal to invest in. But it is not as great as you may think it is. And silver may be the …
You can be forgiven if you’ve never heard of Reddit, a website that advertises itself as the front page of the internet. Trying to define Reddit is sort of like …
When it comes to investing, it’s easier to fall into the hole than to dig your way out. That’s because when you lose money you have a smaller principal. The …