Inflation seems to sink in when goods are expensive and above reasonable prices. During these times, investments with debt and equity are not preferred, as there is fear among the …
We previously covered how Millennials, the younger component of the workforce, would change jobs for a $1,000 raise, even if the job wasn’t a good fit. That may be alright …
In 2011, the price of silver peaked at $49.82 an ounce. In 2015, the metal traded at approximately 70% below that level. When an investment starts to fail with the …
Everyone likes a sale and likes to think they’re getting a good deal. Retailers know that and some of them have been caught inflating the list prices to make sale …
To twist a phrase by Yogi Berra, the younger generation ain’t what it used to be. This is significant because young people, age 16-21, are entering the workforce in increasing …
2016 came in like a bear; an alien bear from outer space with huge teeth and claws that destroyed everything in its path for the first 60 days of the …
Describing Google Fi in technology terms is difficult because it’s one part cellular service, that works pretty much like any other phone, one part mobile WiFi hotspot and one part …
I never believed in vampires, the mythical creatures that feast on human blood and don’t ever die. Yet financial myths, those vile creatures that feed upon the cash that is …
Six million homeowners in the U.S. owed more money than their house was worth in Q4 of 2015 and, in the bizarro world of modern economics, that’s the good news. …
As Wall Street’s seven year bull market celebrates another birthday, the old bull is starting to show its age. I should note that the S&P 500 has tripled from its …