Investing in solid companies that pay dividends has traditionally been touted as an excellent strategy for investors looking to build wealth over time. The thinking here is that the lucky …
I feel sorry for honest real estate agents. Oh, they’re out there, I guarantee it. Only you won’t find them on the top producer lists and they don’t have many friends. …
With the cost of a college education escalating faster than inflation, it’s good to know the economy may be providing opportunities for the future that pay well, offer something as …
My fellow RT contributor, Bruce Haring, has an interesting piece on how Goldman Sachs managed to buy themselves out of criminal prosecution and jail time. The settlement is for Goldman’s …
How risky should the investments be in your portfolio? The answer to that question depends on whom you ask. If you asked Warren Buffett, he’d no doubt offer you his …
The first step to dealing with a problem is admitting you have one and, for America, it’s time we collectively faced up to our addiction to debt. For a brief …
I’m like any other man. All I do is supply a demand. — Al Capone Stay away from mafia types. They’re a scary bunch. Better to gut your IRA or …
The U.S. economy once again crushed the naysayers in Q2 2014, soundly blowing away even my tepidly optimistic analysis. Earnings for the 490 companies comprising the S&P 500 that have …
If you were at all connected to the real estate industry in 2005/2006 you knew something wasn’t right. While it might have been hard to foresee the collapse of the …
The stupidest investment decision I ever made netted me twice my initial investment. Does this seem insane to you? Or perhaps ungrateful? Let me explain. Some years back, while working …