The television model that we all grew up with is dying. For sure it will be a long, lingering death; some experts say it could limp along for another 20 …
If you haven’t stayed at a hotel recently, you might not realize how bad the hidden fee game has really gotten. A recent stay at the Westin Beachfront Resort in …
Here in Florida one of those collective events you feel compelled to attend at some point is the annual 24 Hours of Disney. That trauma-inducing infusion of Disney magic runs …
In many ways Netflix is the present of entertainment, so predicting it is also the future isn’t exactly a major leap. Yet there is disagreement among analysts whether Netflix can …
Imagine your job is setting up a booth where you give out free money, we’ll call it the Money Booth. That sounds like a fun job, right? That’s a job …
There is a lot of neglected infrastructure in America. A divided and paralyzed government has let the roads, bridges and rail systems of the most powerful nation on earth to …
Think of Detroit, you think of cars. Think of Maine, you think lobsters. Think of Florida, and oranges come to mind. Think of Hollywood, and film and TV is the …
In a country that seems increasingly polarized along ideological lines and a Congress that is paralyzed along party lines, it’s good once in a while to remind ourselves that, while …
Old habits die hard. But they do eventually die. Witness this week’s statistics from the US sound recording industry. The fewest record album sales since accurate data measurement was instituted were sold …
Things must be bad in Honduras. After all, so many people are leaving there and heading north that it can’t be a great place to live. Right? Well, yes and no. …