In the aftermath of the horrendous school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, many have asked whether anything can be done to stop these types of shooting. The short answer is no. …
With the news that a decision on overturning Roe v. Wade has been made, leftists in the United States have gone into a state of apoplexy. This is when most …
America NowBreaking News
The Left’s Censorship Campaign Is Backfiring
by Robert Wayneby Robert WayneIt shouldn’t be any surprise that leftists have to resort to force to get their way. Their arguments fail to stand on their merits, their plans are always a failure …
For much of the developed world, death seems to occur most often around age 80. That’s actually not that different today as it was even thousands of years ago. As …
“If it bleeds, it leads” holds just as true today as it did when the term was first coined decades ago. So when news broke that an active shooter shot …
We’re all familiar with the case of George Floyd, the man whose death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers inflamed leftists across the country, gave more prominence to BLM, …
If you thought 2022 would bring a return to normalcy, you’re sadly mistaken. In fact, this year could end up looking more like 2020 than last year did. And that …
The desire to create the world’s most powerful handgun cartridge has motivated the creation of numerous cartridges that remain with us and popular to this day. And after the latest …
One of the major platform issues of left-wing district attorneys in recent years has been the move towards bail reform. Hearing them discuss the issue, it sounds as though poor …
America NowBreaking News
The Lesson to Be Learned From the Elections
by Robert Wayneby Robert WayneThe smackdown that Democrats took in Virginia and New Jersey last week has a lesson that Democrats need to learn. The question is, do they have the ability to learn …