You may have noticed in the past few weeks that prices for meat are creeping upward. And you may be tempted to think that farmers must be doing pretty well. …
Richard A Reagan
One of the great questions that the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis has brought to the fore is: just how deadly is the disease? With over 55,000 deaths, the US leads the …
As anyone who’s ever purchased tomatoes in stores can attest, it’s often difficult to find a good tomato in the grocery store. Whether it’s tomatoes picked and shipped unripe, tomatoes …
America NowBreaking NewsHealth
More and More Evidence Points to Coronavirus Origination From Wuhan Lab
The mainstream media is doing its best to bury reporting on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, but more and more evidence points to a government laboratory in Wuhan being …
The $2 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress is a typical example of Washington’s pork barrel spending. It was originally sold as a bill to give one-time payments to American …
America NowBreaking News
California Sheriff’s Deputies Shut Down Church Service, Threaten Pastor With Jail
Easter is supposed to be a time of great rejoicing for Christians, giving thanks for the Resurrection and the fact that Jesus died for our sins, allowing us entry into …
With the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill being the largest single spending bill passed in US history, it shouldn’t be any surprise that there is a huge amount of waste …
In a stunning abuse of police power and flagrant violation of the First Amendment, a Wisconsin sheriff and deputy are being accused of forcing a girl to remove an Instagram …
In an interesting bit of political experimentation, Democratic political strategists recently sought to see how voters would react to President Trump after watching footage of his coronavirus briefings. Participants were …
As the near-nationwide lockdown begins to enter its second month, many Americans are anxiously anticipating the restart of the economy. Flush with stimulus cash and ready to get back into …