The Democratic National Convention (DNC) just finished. For four nights, the lineup of speakers highlighted an increasingly diverse country that could soon see the first female president. There was a …
America Now
For months Bernie Sanders’ donors have been saying the Democratic primaries were rigged. Others claimed sour grapes. The truth may be about to come out. Millions of Sanders’ donors are …
Photo: Nick Solari Bernie Sanders’s most honorable characteristic was on display Monday night, and it didn’t surprise his most insistent fans. Bernie’s integrity is based on his history of saying …
Twelve months after Freddie Gray, 25, perished in the custody of Baltimore law enforcement, prosecutors have declared that the charges against the remaining officers would be dropped. It is a …
Photo: Ted Eytan “You’re not paranoid if people ARE really out to get you,” said Joseph Heller, (Author of Catch-22). That may be comforting to Bernie Sanders as Wikileaks’ traffic …
Families fleeing violence in Central America are coming to America searching for refuge. Instead of providing protection, the nation demands women and children seeking asylum be diverted to family detention …
The leaked emails between Democratic National Convention (DNC) officials show a lot more than merely a propensity to favor Hillary Clinton or strategies to derail Donald Trump’s campaign. The leaks …