When JFK took office in 1961, his first executive order was to create the food stamp program: a system that provided vouchers to low-income households, which they could use to …
Healthcare costs have been going up significantly. The Affordable Care Act provided people with insurance who previously couldn’t afford it, but at the same time, premiums have been rising, along …
The current world population is over 7 billion. Nearly 320 million of those people live in the United States, with 8.4 million in New York City, 3.8 million in Los …
Particularly as they get older, many people find home health care to be more convenient and less costly than traditional care in a medical facility. Agencies provide trained doctors and …
For years, experts have recommended that adults drink eight glasses of water per day to stay healthy. However, this advice has been proven to be unfounded. Everybody is different, and …
It seems everywhere you look these days, there’s bad news. People on either side of the political spectrum hate each other and constantly argue. People are dying, having accidents, and …
At the end of last year, noted evangelist Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, made an announcement on his Facebook page: despite his love of steaks, cheeseburgers, and other meat …
We often turn to experts to give us suggestions on how we can improve our health. But do these “experts” know it all?
As you get older, your body starts to deteriorate. You can lose strength and flexibility and have problems moving around. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you …
Everyone gets into a bad mood sometimes. Maybe a mistake has caused problems in your work, that now you have to fix. Maybe there’s been a misunderstanding that’s led to …