Five years from now, you’re going to be five years older. That entirely obvious statement underlies every investment decision you make, whether the investment is in gold, silver, the stock market, …
The next great pandemic may have arrived. Ebola, a virus for which there is no cure, has begun spreading through Africa. The death toll is about 600 people so far, …
A lot of us spend a lot of time abusing a special friend. It’s time we pay him proper homage. We are talking, of course, about your liver. First, some …
Robert Rhinehart was an electrical engineer who was not satisfied with the state of our food. Every new day meant a new effort to find and prepare nutritious meals. When …
It started with GPS in mobile phones. Applications were developed that could track how far you ran or rode your bike, keep track of your route, and estimate the calories …
The people in healthcare who sit up nights worrying about potentially world-shattering death plagues are monitoring Middle East Respiratory System, known as “MERS.” It’s already infected more than 600 people worldwide, killing roughly 30% of …
Every so often science takes an interesting turn, and seeks to quantify and understand why things go right — instead of the more common focus on failure analysis. Perhaps it’s …
There is a part of your body that was given its name by a guy known as Rufus. We’ll leave aside the jokes for now. But it is true that …
Probably because the very idea of suicide is repellent to us, we tend to think of it as being rare. In fact, suicide is more common than we’d like to …
Isn’t it odd that we ourselves want to live to be old, yet we don’t want to associate too much with other people who are already old? As for revering …