Northern countries like Iceland may be giving the cryptocurrency world a big lesson in comparative advantage. Iceland’s cheap and abundant electricity, thanks to plentiful geothermal energy nearby, enables cryptocurrency mining …
Following an announcement that the Russian government will control the issuance and circulation of cryptocurrencies in the country, the Kremlin rolled out a handful of new orders related to the …
A recent memo from the US Treasury Office of Inspector General indicated the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) and the US Mint face continuing challenges with coin and …
In another development that suggests government regulation of cryptocurrencies is inevitable, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission recently indicated it sees tokens issued through initial coin offerings as commodities. A …
The employee contribution limit for 2018 is rising to $18,500, up from $18,000 in 2017. The overall contribution limit, which includes employer contributions and contributions from other sources, is rising …
Christine Lagarde, managing director at the International Monetary Fund, told attendees at a recent Bank of England conference that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are not a threat to fiat currencies …
In the spirit of the old joke, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not all out to get you,” consider the possibility the US is heading toward an economic …
The debate over price gouging always seems to make a noisy return in the wake of natural disasters, most recently with the hurricanes that devastated the Southeast and coastal regions …
The expansion of the cryptocurrency money supply is about to continue. Governments across the globe may be divided on how best to respond to the disruptive nature of cryptocurrencies such …
In the beginning of the cryptocurrency universe, there was Bitcoin, which was created in August of 2009. At the time, many proponents saw it as an eventual competitor to the …