“Xia” is a 38-year-old food cart vendor, who works the streets of the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang, near the North Korean border. There’s nothing about the man that might catch …
Breaking News
The United States’ central banking system will continue to “taper” its bond-buying program, and intends to end the program this fall, Janet Yellen told reporters today in her first press …
Although he has not made a formal announcement, US Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-VT) told left-wing publication The Nation that he is “prepared to run for President of the United States” …
[UPDATE 3/14/14 10:45 am PT]: Hunted Cow announced that Apple has lifted the ban on its game, without demanding changes. So there was this thing called World War II. Maybe …
Scientists at University of Rochester, Georgetown University, and the University of California Irvine, have developed a simple blood test that can predict the development of Alzheimer’s disease up to three years before …
Breaking News
What Does the Pope Say? — Pope Francis Accidentally Says a Bad Word, and the Liberal Media Freak Out
“If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this f__k [pause], in this case the providence of God …
An anonymous California couple discovered $10 million in uncirculated gold coins buried under a tree on their property, according to Yahoo! News. The nearly 1,500 coins date from the latter …
In Venezuela, government forces resorted to deadly violence to put down anti-government protests on Thursday, “a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989,” according to an …
In case you have been a little behind on your world news, you should know that all eyes are on the Ukraine political crisis unfolding for the last three months. …
A Republican federal judge has tossed out a lawsuit that claimed Obamacare subsidies can only go to residents of a state with its own insurance market. The decision is a setback …