Tweeting, retweeting pics and videos. Creating self-aggrandizing Facebook posts. Getting coached on the best way to take a glamorous selfie. At first glance, it looks like heavy social media users …
This morning a series of deadly explosions tore through the Belgian capital of Brussels. There were two bombings at the Zaventem airport, at least one of which was a suicide …
One size fits all – this adage may not be true in every case, especially when it comes to retirement advice. In reality, some of the most time-honored rules of …
Describing Google Fi in technology terms is difficult because it’s one part cellular service, that works pretty much like any other phone, one part mobile WiFi hotspot and one part …
The United States Air Force has an addiction and Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday that it’s going to cost five billion …
Yes, that’s right. Another Clinton scandal. On Super Tuesday, it was a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton would win the primaries—and she did. But instead of being thrilled with the …
Although physical gold, actual, touchable coins and bullion, is perhaps the oldest and most universally respected form of wealth, even today, a long-standing modern argument against it has been that …
China seems so far away, practically the other side of the world. As to the impact it has on our economy, it might be as near as Canada. In fact, …
Remember when flying the friendly skies was, well, friendly? There was a time when air travel used to be fun. But the airlines have made a lot of changes over …
It’s certain that the FBI, an organization with a dicey history on privacy issues, thought little about sending a request to Apple to unlock the iPhone belonging to one of …