Home » FBI Director Wray Grilled by House GOP at Congressional Hearing 

FBI Director Wray Grilled by House GOP at Congressional Hearing 

by Richard A Reagan

On Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray found himself in the hot seat, facing a barrage of pointed questions from Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee. [Source]

The hearing, held under the banner of investigating the “weaponization of the federal government,” marked Wray’s first appearance since former President Donald Trump’s indictment. [Source]

The House Judiciary Committee scrutinized Wray over various issues, ranging from the FBI’s handling of the Hunter Biden probe to accusations of working with social media companies to censor conservative views. 

Chairman Jim Jordan, the Ohio Republican leading the full committee and the subpanel, clarified the party’s intentions. “We expect to hear from Americans who have been targeted by their government,” Jordan said. [Source]

One of the most contentious moments of the hearing came when Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) brought up the Hunter Biden WhatsApp message. [Source]

Gaetz directly asked Wray, “You seem deeply uncurious about it— almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?” To which Wray responded, “Absolutely not.”

The intensity of the hearing was especially heightened when the subject of the FBI’s interactions with social media companies came up. [Source]

Republicans believe the FBI pressures these platforms into suppressing conservative voices, an accusation fueled by a recent ruling from a federal judge in Louisiana, who barred the FBI from contacting social media firms about content moderation. [Source]

The FBI director vehemently disagreed with this assertion. He defended the bureau’s relationship with social media firms, insisting it was only to combat foreign malign influences and not about curbing free speech. 

“Those men and women who choose to dedicate their careers—their lives, really—to this kind of work and to fulfilling the FBI mission, are inspiring,” Wray defended the FBI.

He also asserted, “The idea that I am biased against conservatives seems somewhat insincere to me, given my own personal background.”

However, the Twitter Files contradict Wray’s statements. 

Rep. Jordan and Rep. Gaetz were far from satisfied with the hearing, expressing their dissatisfaction with Wray’s leadership on Fox News. [Source]

The representative from Florida addressed Wray’s answers on Wednesday night during a conversation with Sean Hannity. “No one ever pays a bribe to not get something in return,” Gaetz stated.

He criticized Wray’s lack of cooperation and dishonesty. “The Judiciary Committee should take action against Christopher Wray…he told verifiable lies,” Gaetz said. “They have totally become untethered from the Constitution at the FBI and we must bring them to heel.”

Chairman Jim Jordan also had some words to say. 

“That’s why we have to use the power of the purse,” Jordan responded to Hannity’s comments on Wray’s dishonesty. “We can’t authorize FISA in its current form…and that’s why we should look at moving the headquarters to Huntington, Alabama…there were no answers there!”

The hearing ended with an echo of allegations and fierce denials, paving the way for a deepened divide between the FBI and Republicans.

The resolve of House GOP members to hold the Biden administration and its agencies accountable is set to continue.


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