Home » Former Hochul Aide Charged with Acting as Foreign Agent for China

Former Hochul Aide Charged with Acting as Foreign Agent for China

by Richard A Reagan

A former top aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as an undisclosed agent for China, according to a federal indictment unsealed on Tuesday.

Linda Sun, who served as deputy chief of staff under both Hochul and former Governor Andrew Cuomo, faces several serious charges, including violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy.

Sun’s husband, Chris Hu, was also charged with money laundering conspiracy, as well as conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

According to federal prosecutors, Sun used her position in New York state government to further the interests of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while working in the offices of two governors.

U.S. Attorney Breon Peace noted that Sun and her husband were enriched by millions of dollars as a result of their illicit activities.

“As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as Deputy chief of staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the [Chinese Communist Party],” Peace stated.

These activities included blocking access to Taiwanese officials, altering state messaging to benefit China, and facilitating unauthorized meetings between Chinese officials and New York state representatives.

One of the most alarming aspects of the indictment is the allegation that Sun used her influence to prevent New York officials from engaging with Taiwan.

In a 2016 case, Sun allegedly blocked Governor Hochul, referred to as “Politician 2” in the indictment, from attending a Taiwan-hosted event in Washington, D.C. Instead, Hochul attended a China-hosted event during the same time period.

Sun is also accused of arranging a trip to China for a high-level New York politician and securing proclamations for Chinese government representatives without proper authorization. 

Furthermore, she allegedly provided unauthorized invitation letters for Chinese officials to gain entry into the U.S., allowing them to meet with New York officials under false pretenses.

The financial aspect of the scheme is also significant.

With the help of her husband, Sun allegedly laundered millions of dollars gained through these actions, which were then used to purchase luxury homes in New York and Hawaii, as well as expensive automobiles, including a 2024 Ferrari.

The couple also indulged in high-end gifts such as tickets to events and specially prepared food by Chinese officials.

The indictment revealed more about Sun’s covert activities during her time in New York state government, including inserting Chinese officials into sensitive government meetings.

In March 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sun allegedly allowed a Chinese official to join a private conference call regarding the state’s response to the pandemic and rising hate crimes against Asian Americans.

This official was not authorized to attend, and the event marked yet another example of Sun’s willingness to bypass rules to promote China’s interests.

Sun’s tenure in state government spanned over a decade, with her most recent role under Governor Hochul from September 2021 to November 2022. After leaving Hochul’s office, she briefly worked for the New York Department of Labor before being terminated in March 2023 when misconduct was discovered.

Sun was later linked to the campaign of Democrat Austin Cheng, who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in New York’s 3rd District.

Sun and her husband were arrested at their Long Island home and were scheduled to be arraigned in Brooklyn Federal Court on Tuesday.

FBI officials have explained the severity of the charges, stating, “Sun wielded her position of influence among executives to covertly promote PRC and CCP agendas, directly threatening our country’s national security,” Christie M. Curtis, acting assistant director in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York Field Office, said in a statement.”

Governor Hochul’s office confirmed Sun’s termination earlier this year, noting that they immediately reported the misconduct to law enforcement and have been cooperating with the investigation ever since.

Sun’s husband, Chris Hu, a liquor store owner, faces additional charges related to the couple’s financial activities.

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