Home » IRS Whistleblower Documents Expose CIA Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation

IRS Whistleblower Documents Expose CIA Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation

by Richard A Reagan

Documents released by the IRS whistleblowers have brought to light the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) intervention that blocked an investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings. 

The House Ways and Means Committee disclosed these documents, showcasing the CIA’s direct involvement in preventing IRS investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris.

According to the released documents, when IRS investigators were poised to interview Morris in August 2021, the CIA intervened to halt the proceedings.

This intervention was highlighted earlier this year in a letter from the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees to CIA Director William Burns, which referenced whistleblower allegations about the agency interfering with witness interviews.

“According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden, the CIA intervened to stop the interview,” Chairmen Jim Jordan and James Comer wrote. “Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.”

The briefing that led to the stonewalling occurred at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf and Department of Justice Tax Division Attorney Jack Morgan were informed that Morris could not be utilized as a witness in any investigation into Hunter Biden. The CIA provided a classified briefing to these officials, but the specific reasons behind barring Morris as a witness were not shared with the IRS investigators.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler provided documentation detailing this CIA intervention.

According to Shapley’s affidavit (released by Just the News), attempts to secure a briefing on the classified information were consistently ignored by Wolf, leading to a significant deviation from standard investigative procedures.

“Although AUSA Wolf initially appeared to be receptive to facilitating a briefing for me on the information, she ignored multiple attempts by me to arrange the briefing. Since obtaining this briefing was outside of my control, eventually I was forced to accept it would not happen,” Shapley wrote in his affidavit. “However, it served as yet another example of deviations from normal investigative processes in this matter.”

This blockade has raised numerous questions about the role of the CIA and the nature of the information they possess on Morris.

Tristan Leavitt from the organization Empower Oversight, representing Shapley, expressed frustration over the lack of clarity and cooperation from the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office, emphasizing the unusual nature of the CIA’s involvement.

Kevin Morris, described as Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother,” has been a central figure in the investigation into the president’s son’s tax violations.

Morris admitted to Congress that he provided substantial financial assistance to Hunter Biden, including over $5 million in loans since early 2020 to help cover expenses and legal bills. This financial aid was documented through promissory notes, the first of which was executed in October 2021.

The implications of this whistleblower’s revelations continue to stir concern among critics of the Biden administration.

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