Home » Revolutionary Blood Test Detects Alzheimer’s Risk Long Before Symptoms Appear

Revolutionary Blood Test Detects Alzheimer’s Risk Long Before Symptoms Appear

by Richard A Reagan

A team of neurological scientists from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has made a remarkable discovery, a simple blood test that can detect signs of Azheimer’s up to 15 years before symptoms appear. [Source]

The research, recently covered in the Times of London, could change the future of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) diagnostics

This innovative testing procedure, known as an assay, was developed by ALZpath, a company that’s spearheading efforts in AD detection.

The assay focuses on identifying the presence of phosphorylated Tau 217 (pTau 217), a protein closely associated with Alzheimer’s. The significance of this discovery lies in its non-invasive nature and cost-effectiveness, especially when compared to more traditional methods like spinal taps.

Dr. Andreas Jeromin, the chief scientific officer of ALZpath, described the test’s capabilities, stating, “ALZpath’s pTau217 test can help healthcare providers determine the presence of amyloid plaques in the brain — a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.”

This development is particularly crucial as amyloid plaques are a key indicator of Alzheimer’s, and their early detection can significantly alter the course of treatment and management.

In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, three independent clinical trials involving 786 patients demonstrated the test’s “high diagnostic accuracy.” 

The company has announced that the test will be available for clinical use by the end of January and will also hit the commercial market. According to CNN, the price for this test is estimated to be between $200 and $500, making it an accessible option for many.

Kaj Blennow and Henrik Zetterberg, researchers involved in the study, shared their enthusiasm about the potential of this assay, “This is an instrumental finding in blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer’s, paving the way for the clinical use of the ALZpath pTau 217 assay.” They also noted that the test is already being utilized in various labs worldwide. [Source]

Nicholas Ashton, the lead author, told CNN about the remarkable precision of the test, saying, “What was impressive with these results is that the blood test was just as accurate as advanced testing like cerebrospinal fluid tests and brain scans at showing Alzheimer’s disease pathology in the brain.”

This advancement is a milestone in Alzheimer’s research. It comes on the heels of other significant developments, such as a peptide designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to interact with and repair the brain’s tau protein. Additionally, separate research has indicated that taking multivitamins could help in staving off dementia.

Early detection of Alzheimer’s opens the door to more effective treatments and provides a crucial time window for families and healthcare providers to plan and manage the disease’s progression. 

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