If you’re like most people, you find it very difficult to save money. No matter how much more you make, or how much you cut back on expenses, you’re still …
"Insurance "
Healthcare costs have been going up significantly. The Affordable Care Act provided people with insurance who previously couldn’t afford it, but at the same time, premiums have been rising, along …
The term “identity theft” gets thrown around a lot these days. Protect your Internet passwords, don’t give out your social security number, and be careful your credit card number or …
What’s that rumbling noise? It feels like the whole earth is shaking, and things are falling off the shelves left and right. Relax. It’s just an earthquake. Though they’re most …
It’s the ultimate small-footprint lifestyle. Could reducing your living space expand your horizons?
The importance of pets in our lives is undeniable. They even help us live longer. But how can we return the favor without breaking the bank?
Women, you no longer have the option to let someone else handle your finances. It’s a matter of survival!
Could the legendary lush green mountains of Alabama and Georgia become as dry as the Mojave? A historic eastbound drought is already killing crops and animals, with no relief in …
You’re sick or injured, you’re doing your best to recover—and then you find out you’re also being taken to the cleaners!
Whether you’re buying a home or selling one, you’re about to make one of the largest transactions of your life. Time to step up and take control of the process.