One of the most disappointing aspects of President Trump’s tenure has been the poor personnel choices he has made. Whether that’s in the form of hiring staff who completely contradict …
Richard A Reagan
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. We’ve all heard that little rhyme from the time we were young, yet many of us fall …
One of the dangerous things about any sort of revolution is that they have a disturbing tendency to spiral out of control. The French Revolution was a particularly strong example …
Electricity has been a godsend for modern man, allowing most of the creature comforts that we take for granted. It has liberated us from having to limit our activity to …
As the trade war with China heats up, relations with China are deteriorating in a whole bunch of different areas. Recent actions by both China and the United States have …
No one likes red-light runners, but the question of how to stop them is a vexing one. For every clear case of blowing through a red light, there are probably …
With new automobiles becoming ever more expensive, more and more Americans have to finance their automotive purchases with auto loans. And with salaries largely stagnant over the past 20 years, …
If it seems like the rich are getting richer and the not-so-rich are still, well, not so rich, there’s a reason for that. Incomes for the 1% have exploded over …
The situation between Turkey and the United States seems to have taken some mighty sharp turns in recent days. With President Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Kurdish areas of …
If you haven’t delved into the nitty gritty details surrounding the Trump impeachment inquiry, you’re probably not alone. The drama that has engrossed Washington, as Democrats finally think they smell …