As Abraham Lincoln once said, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. Well, he didn’t actually say that of course, but that’s a funny meme that gets trotted …
Richard A Reagan
Homeownership is one of the great goals of many Americans. Over half the population owns a home, and many more want to own homes. The idea of a man’s home …
One of the core components of many academic disciplines is the idea that human beings act rationally. From economics to international relations, one of the key assumptions is that actors …
The arrival of fall heralds the arrival of all things pumpkin spice. Heck, in most stores we’ve been seeing pumpkin spice products since August. From coffee to candles to protein …
Most people have probably heard about China’s social credit system, which assigns each Chinese citizen a social credit “score.” Behavior that the government likes increases your score, while behavior the …
In recent years gardening has become an increasingly popular topic, as Americans are more and more concerned about the quality of their food and where it comes from. Gardening to …
Many American households benefited from President Trump’s tax cuts that took place shortly after he took office. Trump’s changes to tax laws, not only with regard to rates but also …
By now most people realize that the world economy is in decline. Europe is falling into recession, the US is headed there, and country after country is seeing economic slowdown …
America NowBreaking News
The Price of Food and Other Goods in California Is About to Get Way More Expensive
California is the state where good ideas and entrepreneurship go to die. One of the characteristics of the modern economy has been the development of the gig economy, which allows …
The cost of higher education has gotten ever more expensive in recent years, and students have had to go ever deeper into debt in order to afford a college degree …