In response to the US killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani last week, the Iraqi parliament passed a resolution calling on the Iraqi government to expel all foreign troops from …
America Now
Many Americans who watched football a week ago may have found themselves watching the introduction to the Golden Globes after their game ended. While most normal people would probably turn …
In the aftermath of last November’s elections in Virginia, Democrats took control of the state legislature for the first time in two decades. They promised to remake Virginia, and boy …
By now everyone has heard the news of the death of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. The general, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force, was killed in a drone strike near …
One of the common refrains among many of the Democratic Presidential candidates this year is that the United States needs Medicare for all. According to Democrats, the problems with the …
It’s perhaps every person’s greatest fear: getting senselessly gunned down on a Sunday morning at church. While Americans don’t have to deal with that scenario to the same extent that …
The slow-motion crisis brewing between the US and Turkey continues to fester, as Turkish President Erdogan has threatened to boot US troops from military bases in Turkey. The major US …
If you needed more evidence that California is going down the toilet, recent news has publicized the fact that the city of San Francisco spent more than $94 million in …
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ve heard the news that the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump. But House Speaker Nancy …
Well, it’s official, the United States now has a sixth branch of the military. With the signing into law of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020, President Trump officially …