Colorado Governor Jared Polis’ administration has made the news for his press office’s attempts to get two small newspapers to “unpublish” stories that the administration objected to. The articles in …
America Now
President Trump’s detractors are quick to seize on anything they can to disparage him, twisting ordinary acts that any President might undertake into evidence of his diabolic nature. The latest …
By now most people in the US realize that stock markets are setting up for a crash. Economic growth is slowing and recession is on the horizon. But what most …
America NowBreaking News
Democrats Spooking Investors, Voters With Talk of Impeachment, Wealth Appropriation
After years of digging for anything they could find to pin to President Trump, Democrats have finally settled on Ukrainegate as the vehicle to start moving to impeach the President. …
Another day, another reason to hate President Trump. At least that’s the way the deep state sees it. This time it’s over allegations that President Trump tried to engage Ukraine’s …
America NowBreaking News
President Trump Unleashes “Highest Sanctions Ever Imposed on a Country” on Iran
In response to the recent attacks on Saudi Aramco’s oil production, which both the United States and Saudi Arabia blamed on Iran, President Trump decided to impose even further sanctions …
In this new era of wokeness, one of the quickest ways to score political points is to dredge up old information about your political opponents that can be seen in …
One of the things that endears President Trump to so many people, even to those who aren’t his biggest fans, is the fact that he never backs down. Sure, he …
America NowBreaking News
Pain at the Pump: Will Conflict in the Middle East Drive Oil Prices Skyward?
The recent drone attack on Saudi Aramco’s facilities in Saudi Arabia was a major shock to the world, and to oil markets. The simplicity of the attack was unexpected, as …
The spat between the Trump administration and the state of California has escalated, now that the administration has announced it will be probing several automakers for signs that they colluded …