Half-billionaire publishing heir and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes called for the United States to return to the gold standard this week, speaking in a web video hosted on Newsmax. …
Situational Awareness: ‘Racist’ Bieber, Charley Weaver, Denny’s in Idaho
by Bruce Haringby Bruce HaringCUTTING THE CARBS: The Environmental Protection Agency has set a goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions by “up to” 30% by 2030. The “up to” is based on 2005 emission …
When I was inexperienced buying homes and before I took up real estate as a sideline business, I used to think that home inspections would protect me from making a …
Situational Awareness: ‘Retribution Day,’ Spy Outed, Snowden Strikes Back
by Bruce Haringby Bruce HaringYOUTUBE, METUBE, THEYTUBE: In one of his last acts, mass murderer Elliott Rodger left behind a video polemic on his plans for “Retribution Day,” a slaughter that he later played …
There were many policies and practices that came together to cause the Great Recession of 2008, but certainly the trigger was subprime lending in the housing market. People were getting loans …
There’s an old saying that nothing good happens after midnight. Which perhaps explains why cities across the US and the world are attempting to enact curfews for the long, hot summer …
Almost 50 years ago, a media thinker and professor named Marshall McLuhan coined the catchphrase “global village.” Today that phrase remains an apt way to characterize not only the Internet, but the …
“Beer is made by men, wine by God.” — Martin Luther The story’s out, and we’ve got to believe the French don’t like it one bit — they’re no longer number one …
Google got its start in Susan Wojcicki’s garage in Menlo Park, California. Amazon.com’s business plan was forged by founder Jeff Bezos while he and his wife were traveling across the country. And …
Clippers owner Donald Sterling shouldn’t be worried that his life is over. Sure, he’s now holed up in the penthouse of a Beverly Hills office building, subsisting on pizza and …