In recent testimony before the US Senate, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci clashed once again with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). The issue this time was whether Fauci lied to Congress in …
The debate surrounding the origins of COVID-19 continues. And now new evidence is coming to light that could indicate that China may have been behind the creation of COVID. Even …
Both politicians and public health officials have rested their hopes on a resolution of the COVID-19 crisis on the eventual availability of a COVID vaccine. More than one government leader …
As soon as COVID-19 resulted in economic shutdowns around the country, consumers flocked to stores and stripped them bare of essentials. But it wasn’t just bread, flower, water, and basic …
With stock markets having had their quickest correction ever last week, and continuing middling performance that is only being boosted by central bank liquidity, many Americans are wondering what the …
The cost of higher education has gotten ever more expensive in recent years, and students have had to go ever deeper into debt in order to afford a college degree …
With Alzheimer’s disease becoming more and more prevalent in society, more and more research is going into discovering why it occurs, how it develops, and what can prevent it. Unfortunately …
With more and more people taking serious interest in their diet and its role in keeping them healthy, many long-forgotten traditional foods are making a resurgence. That’s particularly the case …
Most Americans probably pay a fair amount of attention to their diets. Many Americans keep track of their calorie intake to make sure they’re not eating too much, or they’ll …
In a population that is growing more sedentary and more obese all the time, health problems from lack of physical activity, poor diet, and excessive weight are becoming ever more …