Home » House Judiciary Report: Nearly 100 Suspected Terrorists Released into U.S. Under Biden Admin

House Judiciary Report: Nearly 100 Suspected Terrorists Released into U.S. Under Biden Admin

by Richard A Reagan

A recent report from the U.S. House Judiciary Committee has revealed that nearly 100 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) have been released into the United States under the Biden administration.

The report highlights concerns over national security due to the administration’s border policies, which have allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the country, including individuals from terrorist organizations.

“The open-borders policies of President Joe Biden and border czar Vice President Kamala Harris have allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States, including terrorist organizations and other bad actors looking to harm Americans,” the report states.

The interim report, released by the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, points to specific instances where individuals on the terror watchlist were encountered and subsequently released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“Of the more than 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist who were encountered by Border Patrol at the southwest border between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released nearly 100 of them, with at least 34 others in DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States,” the report says.

The report explains that these encounters are not isolated incidents.

Migrants on the watchlist hail from 36 different countries, many with active terrorist presences, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Somalia.

In fiscal 2023 alone, 736 KSTs were apprehended, with the majority being caught at the northern border. The trend has continued into fiscal 2024, with significant numbers of KSTs apprehended from countries known for potential national security threats.

The report also sheds light on the growing concern over the “gotaways”—illegal aliens who evade capture at the border.

An estimated two million individuals have entered the U.S. without being apprehended since the Biden administration took office.

Law enforcement officials suggest that this number could be underreported by as much as 20%, raising alarms about the unknown identities and intentions of these individuals.

Further complicating the issue, the report mentions cases where immigration judges granted bond to at least 27 migrants on the watchlist. Additionally, it highlights instances where individuals with potential ties to ISIS were released into the country after using the CBP One app to schedule appointments at ports of entry.

The Biden-Harris administration has faced criticism from Republican lawmakers and national security experts who argue that the current immigration policies pose a significant threat to national security. They accuse the administration of rolling back Trump-era policies, which they claim has led to a surge in illegal border crossings and potential terrorist threats.

In contrast, the administration has argued that the current immigration system is broken and has accused Republicans of failing to provide adequate funding and reforms.

Despite these assertions, the report from the House Judiciary Committee points to the urgency for policymakers to address these security concerns and secure the borders to prevent further risks to American communities.

The revelation that nearly 100 individuals on the terror watchlist have been released into the U.S. underscores the need for immediate action to protect national security and safeguard American lives.

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