Home » House Republicans Lay Out Groundwork for Biden Impeachment Inquiry at First Hearing

House Republicans Lay Out Groundwork for Biden Impeachment Inquiry at First Hearing

by Richard A Reagan

The House Oversight and the Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees held their first hearing on Thursday as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, initiated by House Republicans earlier this month. [Source]

The main focus of the inquiry is the business dealings of Biden’s son Hunter, who made millions of dollars from foreign entities while his father was vice president. 

The hearing featured three witnesses who presented substantial evidence of how Biden used his influence as vice president and later as president to advance his son’s interests and protect him from legal scrutiny.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer stated that the committee discovered that the Bidens, along with their associates, established more than 20 shell entities and amassed over $20 million from nations including Ukraine, China, and Romania between 2014 and 2019

“This is not a witch hunt. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a fact-based investigation based on hard evidence that we have obtained lawfully and transparently,” said Comer. 

Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant who reviewed bank records obtained by the committee, said that a significant amount of evidence has been gathered, but emphasized that “further information is required.” [Source]

“As a fraud investigator when I see smoke, I immediately look for the fire. The critical question facing the American people today is whether, behind the smokescreen clouding the Biden family and associates businesses, was there or is there a fire,” said Dubinsky.

The Republican’s expert witness, George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley, wasn’t ready yet to state that there is a plausible basis for an impeachment inquiry. Turley also testified in the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

“I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment. That is something that an inquiry has to establish. But I also do believe that the House has passed the threshold for an impeachment inquiry,” said Turley.

North Carolina law professor Michael Gerhardt, who was chosen by Democrats, tried to defend Biden’s conduct. Both Gerhardt and the Democrats on the committee insinuated that Republicans are targeting Mr. Biden. Gerhardt remarked, “A fishing expedition does not serve a genuine purpose.”

The hearing was criticized by Democrats and the White House, who dismissed it as an attempt to distract from the impending government shutdown.

At the end of the hearing, Comer declared his intention to subpoena the bank records of Hunter Biden and Jim Biden. “This was no illusion of access. They got access,” said Comer.” 

In response to pressure from GOP members, House Speaker McCarthy instructed the committees to open an impeachment investigation into the president earlier this month. We have yet to see whether the inquiry will yield results. 

This story is still developing…

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