Home » Whistleblower Evidence Suggests Hunter Biden Misled Congress on Multiple Occasions

Whistleblower Evidence Suggests Hunter Biden Misled Congress on Multiple Occasions

by Richard A Reagan

New documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee allege that Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, misled Congress during his testimony earlier this year.

According to whistleblowers from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Hunter Biden provided inaccurate responses on several critical matters while under oath.

Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, the IRS whistleblowers, submitted over 100 pages of evidence suggesting that Hunter Biden falsely answered questions regarding his business relationships and operations.

One of the key pieces of evidence involves his interaction with Raymond Zhao of CEFC, a Chinese energy firm.

Despite Biden’s claims of texting a different “Zhao,” the committee released phone records indicating his communications were indeed with Raymond Zhao.

This contradicts Biden’s testimony, further complicating the narrative about his involvement with CEFC, which reportedly sent $5 million to a company associated with Biden and CEFC’s Gongwen Dong.

Additionally, Hunter Biden is accused of lying about his control over Rosemont Seneca Bohai and its bank accounts.

Contrary to his testimony claiming no affiliation or control, documents and a sworn statement show he was actively involved as the acting secretary and beneficial owner of the bank account linked to the company.

The controversy extends to his alleged efforts to secure a U.S. visa for Nikolay Zlochevsky, CEO of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.

While Biden testified he did not engage in activities related to securing visas, emails suggest otherwise, indicating his efforts to facilitate visa arrangements for Zlochevsky.

The committee’s newly disclosed documents reveal communications between Devon Archer and Ukrainian contacts. “Hunter is checking with Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide cover to Kola on the visa,” Archer wrote, using “Kola” as a nickname for Zlochevsky, according to a recently discovered email released by the committee. “Please send Hunter an email with all Kola’s passport and visa documents and evidence and copy me. We’ll take it from there.”

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith criticized Hunter Biden’s actions, stating, “Hunter Biden has shown once again he believes there are two systems of justice in this country – one for his family, and one for everyone else.”

Smith explained that the investigation is not a personal attack but a pursuit of legal accountability.

“Not only did Hunter Biden refuse to comply with his initial subpoena until threatened with criminal contempt, but he then came before Congress and lied. The Ways and Means Committee’s investigation, and the documents released today, are not part of a personal vendetta against Hunter Biden, but are meant to ensure the equal application of the law,” Smith said in a statement.

These allegations are particularly poignant as they come amid ongoing legal challenges for Hunter Biden, including federal charges related to firearm possession and tax issues. His legal representative, Abbe Lowell, has denied the claims made by the House committee, describing their efforts as a flawed attempt to revive a failed impeachment inquiry.

These developments are likely to fuel ongoing debates about the potential misuse of position and the implications for the Biden administration.

“Lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense that the Department of Justice has prosecuted numerous individuals for in recent years, and the American people expect the same accountability for the son of the President of the United States,” Smith said. 

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